Sesame Bits - Big Elmo Fun strip #2

These are the pencils for strip #2 for the Big Elmo Fun DVD promotion.  This time Telly and Elmo are checking out bugs in front of 123 Sesame. 
More copy than I would usually want, but it was necessary.  The bugs and magnifying glass were the fun parts to figure out on this one.  Enjoy!

Art of - Sesame Zombies

Here's a little look behind he scenes of creating the Sesame Zombies.

This is where I'm building the digital version over the scanned blueline sketch version of zombie Count. If the project allows for it, I like working out my characters in pencil first.

Sesame Bit - Big Elmo Fun strip 1

Here's the latest Sesame Bits comic strip that I penciled.  This one was based off one of the segments on the Big Elmo Fun DVD.  

BAAWK BAAAAWK!!  Love those chickens!  Enjoy!